A filing of ideas

We're not officially homeschooling yet, since our oldest is only four. However, that doesn't mean that I don't read a lot of homeschooling books, magazines, catalogs and blogs. A couple years ago, I found that I had too many ideas in my brain (and notes in my planner and markers in various books), and wanted some organization to all of the homeschooling ideas I was gathering. I decided to buy a plastic box, a stack of index cards, and begin writing all the ideas I came across on an index card.

Now whenever I read or hear of an idea, curriculum, book, game, anything homeschool-related, I grab my box, my favorite pen, and an index card (sometimes some scissors, too- if I want a picture of the item) and go to town! This has been a great resource for me to go back to already- when I think, "What was the name of that book...?" Hopefully it will continue to be a resource for us in the years to come, too!

1 comment:

  1. May. 5, 2006 - I love it!!
    Posted by Michelle
    Great idea! I love it! I just finished my "idex card dinner planning system"...so while my idex cards are still "hot", I might try this system for organizing other stuff...I may not be homeschooling, but I am always jotting down things for the family (devotionals, books to read, places to go, discussion starters, holiday ideas, websites, etc.) that I want to remember...but then where do all those stickie notes go?? PATENT IT QUICK!


    May. 5, 2006 - a note to michelle and stacy
    Posted by reformingmama
    Stacy, I am glad you posted this picture. Not only is it a great idea you had, but everyone gets to see your perfect handwriting too!

    Michelle, I would love to hear more about your idex card meal planning system! Do tell!



    May. 5, 2006 - Great idea!
    Posted by Dana
    I love how neat it looks. Thanks for sharing.
    Made me think - I should take index cards with me to HS conferences. I have pads of paper, conference/speaker fliers.. all over the place with notes. I could also use the cards when I listen to a taped session.


    May. 5, 2006 - Wonderful!
    Posted by PreschoolersandPeace
    I just love organization (bet you couldn't tell)!


    May. 7, 2006 - Thanks, ladies...
    Posted by reformingmama
    for your sweet comments! :)


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