
The first item on my daily schedule is this:

Up at 5:30, pray

It's been so long since I've intentionally been up early to pray that I've considered removing it from my list. But it remains on my schedule, because ideally I'd really like to be there.

Last night I wearily climbed into bed and picked up my book and read a bit from Elisabeth Elliot's Be Still My Soul. It was like a drink of water to this tired and feeling-like-a-failure-in-my-prayer-life mommy:

I will offer Him my prayers, my sighs. I will pour out my heart to Him. Even in their distractedness, inconsistency, and deficiency, I can be confident that my prayers rise to Him like incense ("Let my prayer be counted as incense before thee, and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice!" Psalm 141:2, RSV). He receives my imperfect prayers like the mother receives the crushed dandelions, as gifts made perfect in love.

1 comment:

  1. Feb. 9, 2007 - love it...
    Posted by TNLisa
    thank you for sharing. I love Elisabeth Eliott's writings...
    and don't despair over your daily schedule. His mercies are new each day...just pick your self up and start fresh...He is waiting.
    Have a wonderful weekend,


    Feb. 9, 2007 - Thank you
    Posted by Sawickis
    These words are so encouraging to me today, thanks for posting them.



    Feb. 9, 2007 - Untitled Comment
    Posted by Rebeca
    Crushed dandelions, yes. That is a good way to think of it. Thanks for sharing.


    Feb. 9, 2007 - reminds me...
    Posted by Amy
    of something my best friend (YOU!) said when we were in high school. (Do you remember?)
    I was worried about falling asleep while praying and you encouraged me with, "what daddy doesn't love it when his child falls asleep in his arms while they are talking?" I think you wrote it in a really cute card with your perfect handwriting too!
    Love you,


    Feb. 9, 2007 - Untitled Comment
    Posted by Anonymous
    I'm going to be joining you soon- my prayer life begs to be begun earlier than it has been - and that quote by Elliot is exquisite - and transforming.
    Thank you, friend.
    Elise - www.mamahooper.blogspot.com


    Feb. 11, 2007 - Untitled Comment
    Posted by Sandi
    Thanks for the encouragement.


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