This is the final part of this series. To find the beginning of our adoption story, go here.
The name Isaias (chosen by his birth mother) means: God is my help and salvation; the Lord helps me. We love that. We indeed feel like God has given us the incredible privilege of being His arms, extended to Isaias, to help him.
We came back from Guatemala a few weeks before Christmas (you can imagine our delight; getting to have him home for his first Christmas!), and met family and friends at the airport. Our other two children were still at home, though… so we were anxious to get home before they went down for the night so that we could introduce them to their new baby brother!
Here is my favorite just-home picture:
As Ella was seeing and holding her brother for the first time- this baby she had prayed for for many, many months- she started crying. I asked her what was wrong (thinking she was sad that Grandma and Grandpa would be leaving soon). She said she was just really, really happy that Isaias was home. Me too!
That night after Mark and I had tucked in all three of our children, I said (tearily) how happy I was to have them all under one roof.
Most of my thoughts concerning our adoption center around one thing: gratitude.
I am deeply grateful for this son of ours. What a joy he is, and what a gracious God we serve that He lavishes us with gifts such as these!
I am so thankful for God's tremendous provision. (I am still in awe at how He so generously provided for us in the area of finances. At the beginning we didn't even have the $195 for that initial application fee. By the end- all totalled, our adoption expenses came to nearly $30,000. God provided every.single.cent.)
I am grateful for the heart of our Father: who has compassion on the orphans, who longs to set them in families, who is their defender.
I am grateful for the growth I had in my relationship with God during this process. This was definitely a season where God was teaching me full reliance upon Him and His timing. Of course He is entirely trustworthy! Not to mention very patient with me.
I am thankful for the lessons E & I learned during this season, of praying diligently for their brother, and seeing those earnest prayers answered when he came home.
And I am grateful for the friends I've met throughout this journey.
Here is a picture of this sweet boy of ours, taken last week:
What a wonderful journey our adoption has been. Thank you for revisiting it with me.
Jun. 26, 2006 - Untitled Comment
ReplyDeletePosted by jkk
I think I've teared up at least once while reading each installment. But you REALLY got me when you mentioned that your little daughter cried with joy at having her brother home. Such sweet love. : ) Thank you so, so much for sharing your story. I've been very blessed!
Jun. 26, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by MicheleinNZ
Thanks so much for sharing the story with us. It is awesome how God guided the entire process and even from birth knew where your little guy would be.
Jun. 26, 2006 - That was an incredible!
Posted by Dana
Thank you so much for sharing it - every detail!
Jun. 26, 2006 - Thank you for sharing
Posted by Mommy2fourCs
Thank you so so much for sharing your story. I cried(of course) as I was looking and reading about "E" crying while holding her brother. I also am so thankful that you added the cost and how God proved the money. God proved so much for our first adoption and I needed to be reminded that He would do it again, if adopting again was His will. Again thanks. :)
Jun. 26, 2006 - Loved reading about your journey!!!
Posted by Anonymous
Hi Stacy! I learned about your blog from Michelle Timmons. I have absolutely loved loved loved reading about your adoption journey. Thank you so much for sharing!! What a faithful God we serve!!! By the way, Isaias looks GREAT!! He sure has grown a lot since I last saw him (November 17), snuggled with him, and told him his mom and dad would be there soon. Continued blessings to you and your family... ~Amy Crawford
Jun. 26, 2006 - For those who commented...
Posted by reformingmama
Thank you so much for your kind words...
I know, that really got me too (my daughter crying). I was definitely weepy when she said that! And since- each time I think about it! What a sweet moment...
Thank you for reading! Yes.. it is a wonder; that God chose Isaias for our family long, long ago. He chose well. We sure love him! :)
Thank you, sweet friend... for reading every detail! :)
Thank you for reading our story!
Yes. It's a good reminder to me, too- about God's provision. We'd like to adopt again but there's still that money hang-up. I have to keep reminding myself, "Stacy, God did it the first time. He can do it again!"
Amy Crawford!!!
Hi you! How fun to see your comment! Thank you for writing! :) How are you and Andy doing? And Luke? And what number are you now on the girls list? (I'm clearly a little out of the listserve-loop, huh?)
Fun to remember that you were there in November, snuggling with my little guy (who was wearing the red shirt, remember?) and taking pictures of him for us! Thank you!!! :)
Blessings to all of you!
Jun. 27, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by Michelle
Where are all those yellow smiling and crying faces when you need them?? What an incredible blessing to relive all of these moments!! Thank you for sharing it all here....and thank you for sharing the days of your journey as we have walked through it each day together!!!
Jun. 27, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by Rebeca
Thanks for letting us revisit this wonderful journey with you! What a beautiful story and a beautiful boy the Lord placed in your family!
Jun. 27, 2006 - Thank you....
Posted by HolyExperience
Thank you for sharing this with us... so very, very powerful. Our God is a gracious, good, good God. Always. And He has a perfect plan He is writing on the story of your life! And you gave us the privilege of reading it.
Again, I thank you.
Ann V.
Jun. 27, 2006 - Oh I Loved Your Adoption Story
Posted by homekeeper4him
I just loved your adoption story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Isais is such a cutie. Our little boy from Guatemala is Isaiah. :)
Jun. 29, 2006 - so happy for you...
Posted by lindafay
Beautiful story!
Jun. 29, 2006 - Michelle, Rebeca, Ann, Tracy, and Linda...
Posted by reformingmama
Thank you for taking the time to read, and thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Many blessings to each one of you!