To read Adoption: Part One, go here
To read Adoption: Part Two, go here
Okay, where were we? Oh, yes. Our hot water heater that broke. That was the first of many things breaking down in our home throughout this process. There was the hot water heater, then the dishwasher, then the fridge, then some major plumbing issues. Each one very costly. And each one a huge stress in a season of our lives where we were trying to SAVE money, not spend it. These trials were either sent by God to teach us utter dependence on Him and His provision, rather than ourselves, or they were straight from the enemy (I personally liked to blame everything on him.)
In mid-August we had a garage sale and were able to raise enough money to send in the $195 application fee. On the application we also designated a country. Our decision was narrowed since AGCI only works with a small number of countries (I think 4 or 5 at the time), and some of those countries we couldn’t adopt from. (For instance, China- you have to be 30 years old; I was 29.) We came to the decision to adopt from Guatemala. Mark and I spent time praying about this, asking God for direction. One day I came across a photo of three smiling Guatemalan boys, and that was that. Mark came home that evening from work and I immediately said, “It has to be Guatemala.” He smiled and explained that as he had been praying about it throughout his own day, he also felt tugged in that direction. So, Guatemala it was.
The next decision we had to make was gender. Do you know you have to choose if you want a boy or a girl? Goodness! That was a tough one for us. I kept having these conversations with our agency saying, “Can you please just choose? We’re happy with either. We have one of each and we love them both. I can’t choose this!” We finally expressed simply that we wanted to adopt based on wherever the need was greater. Our agency said that if we left it at that, we would be getting a boy, because for some reason in Guatemala more boys are adopted out. Our decision was made. We were getting a boy.
And then we began the paperwork phase. I have an enormous 5-inch binder I filled with all of our paperwork, and one by one we filled out (or collected) forms. Contracts, birth certificates, marriage certificate, medical evaluations, criminal checks, employment records, financial records, income tax returns for the past three years, witness statements, and reference letters. I now wish I had clocked how many hours I spent on this phase. Many, that’s for sure. It took us 3 months to complete all of the paperwork.
During this time, Mark was working overtime so that we could set money aside for our adoption. We were able to save around $500/month with his diligent work and with our new frugal lifestyle (basically, spending next-to-nothing!) We also sent out a letter to our family and friends telling them of our decision to adopt, and asking for their support (both prayer and financial). We saw this as a mission God was calling us to, and figured that we get will-you-support-me-on-this-missions-trip letters all the time, so… why not ask? So we did, and our family and friends were lavish in their support of us. Throughout the following months, we saw God provide tremendously through the generosity of these supporters.
At the end of January, our paperwork was completed and we had enough money for our first payment. We sent that into AGCI and waited. There were other waiting couples, too… and we were able to “meet” some of the other waiting couples (online), via a listserve that AGCI has set up. This was a tremendous support during this time of waiting. The listserve was also where I met some very dear friends: Michelle (who comments often on this blog), Sarah, and Kimmie. We spent this waiting time praying, applying for grants, and praying some more.
On June 17th I packed the kids in the car and went to pick up Mark from work. I came home and listened to this message on my phone: “This is Kim from AGCI. I have good news for you. Please call me back today.” She left her direct line and said if she didn’t answer, to call the 800# and have them interrupt her.
I was trembling. Totally shaking. My hands could barely dial the numbers. I just knew this was our referral; that they had a child for us and we were on the brink of meeting that little one. I kept asking Mark, “What do you think? Is this it? Are you so nervous?” And he wasn’t. He thought that maybe she was just calling instead of emailing an update for the month. But I knew it was big because we were supposed to interrupt her. So- I called her back, and she said, “Do you want a little guy?” And I said, “Of course we want a little guy! Do you have a little guy for us?” And she said yes, and proceeded to tell me about this “little guy”.
This is what we learned: his name was Isaias. He was three months old. He weighed 10 lbs, 1 oz at birth. At three months, he weighed 12 lbs, was a good eater, and liked to be held. We learned very few details about his birthmother.
And then our agency contact told us she was emailing us pictures as we spoke.
We all rushed downstairs to our computer, and waited (at the time we had only dial-up) for nearly an hour, me holding the video camera- interviewing Mark over and over and then the kids, who just ran around enthusiastically, shouting. They had been waiting and praying for their baby brother for many months. Then the pictures finally appeared. Here are some of the first pictures we saw of our new son:
Isn't he precious? In my next post I’ll tell you all about our first trip to Guatemala; our first time meeting our new son.
To read the next installment of our adoption story, go here.
Jun. 19, 2006 - Untitled Comment
ReplyDeletePosted by Rebeca
Yes, he is precious! I imagine you melted at the site of that sweet little face.
Have a great day!
Jun. 19, 2006 - that sweet boy!
Posted by reformingmama
I am crying all over again to read this! What a process this was! I am again so proud of you guys, your faithfulness was well rewarded! Isaias is so preacious to us all!
I was always so touched by your older kids praying every meal that God would bring home their baby brother soon!
Love you, Amy
Jun. 19, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by
Oh, what a cutie! I'm sure he melted your hearts immediately! The most amazing part is how the Lord grafted Isaias not only into your family, but into the family of God! I know that you and your husband, empowered by the Holy Spirit, will do all things possible to teach this little one to love, serve and fear the Lord. What a neat story. I wish it was in my husband's heart to adopt, b/c I'd do it in a heartbeat! The Lord doesn't seem to be answering my desire for more biological children. So I just thank the Lord when one more child is adopted into a Christian home. And I'm thankful for the 2 beautiful children that He has blessed me with - all good things come from the Father's hand!
Edited by kevmem on Jun. 19, 2006 at 11:13 AM
Jun. 19, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by jkk
How could you keep from jumping on a plane right that very second?! What a sweet, sweet little face...
Jun. 19, 2006 - Thank You
Posted by WingsAsEagles
On behalf of all of us in the 'approved and now waiting' phase of our adoptions, I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. It reminds us that one day we'll have a referral too . . . and one day, we'll be travelling . . . and one day, we'll have our new children home.
Many thanks,
Mrs. L
Jun. 19, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by Michelle
I am absolutely loving this! But, oh my goodness, does it remind me what a long process this has been!!! I can not wait to hear your first trip details!!! Thanks again for taking the time to share all this!
Jun. 19, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by TwaddleMeNot
Oh, he's SO adorable - what a blessing adoption is! I thought adopting once would satisfy my desire to adopt - I think it just whet my appetite to do it again!
Jun. 19, 2006 - For those who commented...
Posted by reformingmama
Rebeca- Thank you! Yes, he IS very sweet... :) A little charmer with those huge brown eyes! :)
Amy- I know.. quite the process, huh? ...I think of that often, too- how our children were so diligent in prayer. I learned so much from them in this: just keep asking, keep trusting, keep hoping. God hears and will answer! They are so faith-filled and don't get anxious at all whatsoever about why He hasn't answered yet. Not once in this whole time (about a year of daily, many-times-a-day-prayers), did they ask, "but where is he? Why hasn't God brought our baby brother home yet?" It wouldn't occur to them to ask it. I love that. I have much to learn!
Memry- Yes! I love this, too. I often look at him (lately as he tries to squeeze his eyes shut at mealtimes when we pray, and grasps our hands tightly) and wonder: "What would his life had been like...?" And I am grateful, so grateful, that we get to have the amazing privilege of teaching him about his Savior! God is so good.
Judy- I know!!! I wanted to jump on that plane! :) But my heart was pulled in two directions (my other two children here, my new child there...) ARGHH. Not right.
Mrs L- Thank you for taking the time to comment! Yes! You will have a referral, and then a travel date, and finally- your children home. And then you'll have your own story to share! :) What a difficult process this is, though... the waiting. God is ever faithful. It did my heart good to remind myself- VERY OFTEN- that God sees it all; the entire picture. The children He has for us, the timing for which He has them, He sees us.... and He is busy orchestrating it all together for His glory.
Michelle- I know! (Long process!) I can't wait to share about our first trip. I'll make sure to make mention of that annoying couple from Indiana. The ones who will NOT leave us alone! I'M KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Love you!
TwaddleMeNot (Melissa, right?)
Thank you for commenting. And yes- adoption is such a tremendous blessing. Well, you know! :) Little Naomi looks like a sweetheart! You're exactly right about this whetting your appetite to adopt again! We feel the same way! :)
Blessings to each of you,
Jun. 20, 2006 - Oh He is Adorable!
Posted by homekeeper4him
He is just precious! I know exactly how you felt when you saw his picture. :) I am so enjoying reading your adoption story.
Jun. 23, 2006 - For Tracy
Posted by reformingmama
Thank you for your kind words!
Blessings to you and yours,
WOw, wow, wow. This is blessing me tremendously considering where we are at with our whole situation.
ReplyDeleteI am excited for you to bring over the rest of the story so I can read it all!!!!
Email me - I have something to ask you!!