In other news...

*2006 post*

Wow. Thank you all for hanging in there with me as I recount our adoption story. I know I'm wordy and detailed. I really did think I'd be able to cover this in three posts, but... er, it may be three more. Thank you to those of you who are reading and commenting. It really has been a fun process for me to go through old journal entries and remember this, so thank you.

In other news... on Wednesday Mark and I will celebrate our 9th anniversary! Yippeee! In honor of this we get to go away (something done very rarely around here) together. We're heading to a Bed & Breakfast tomorrow morning and will be back Wednesday evening.

I am so looking forward to being away with my wonderful husband and my best friend. These are the delights I'm looking forward to:

-I will have a free hand (no diaper bag or child to hold) to be able to hold Mark's hand with!
-We will get to have uninterrupted conversation.
-We'll be able to talk about something other than daily conversation... (We used to do the purposeful questions but have gotten out of the habit. I was encouraged with Amy's post to bring them back this year!)
-I can have a meal where someone will bring me my food and I won't have to get up to get something for someone else between each bite! I may be able to start my meal and finish all in one sitting! Simple pleasures...
-We can sleep!

I am grateful for this opportunity to take some time away to nurture our relationship. Sometimes it can get lost in this season of life with little ones. How I love this husband God has blessed me so richly with. I can't wait to get away with him!

1 comment:

  1. Jun. 20, 2006 - Enjoy!
    Posted by MicheleinNZ
    I pray you have a very restful and renewing time together. I'm planning our weekend away in November when I plan to have the baby weaned. I can't wait!!


    Jun. 21, 2006 - Untitled Comment
    Posted by Joni
    Have a great time. We went away for two days for our anniversary this year and it was such a blessing! So refreshing and just fun, so that's my prayer for you two. Oh, btw, I finally got around to trying your 6 week muffins, and can I just say...YUMMY! Much better than the eggos! ;)



    Jun. 21, 2006 - Congratulations
    Posted by AussieinAmerica
    Congratulations on 9 years of marriage. How wonderful! Just wanted to say again how much I am enjoying your blog. Hope you had a lovely time away.


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